Monday, March 26, 2007

Won't somebody tell me

For some reason Bruce Cockburn is not universally loved and respected. In fact, you're likely to find him dissed and dismissed. I don't understand why. He's a superior singer-songwriter who's been putting out good solid records for 30 years. He's one of those political-type folkies which I suppose some people pigeonhole as self-absorbed and clueless (well, I usually do) but Cockburn is far from typical. He's Canadian, deeply Christian, a helluva guitar player, a clever lyricist and brings a perspective that is holistic and completely unique, a tough combo to pull off in today's fast-paced world. He's the kind of joe who says what he means and then he moves on. We've created a culture where attacking is easier than defending and Cockburn is one of the unfortunates in that scenario. Often he performs by his lonesome but here he's got some support. Good tune.

Bruce Cockburn -- 'Soul of a Man'

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