Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm not a burden anyone should bear

Tool is perhaps the most frustrating band of all time: loads of talent, clearly a unique vision, but there's something strangely hollow about their posturing (I mean more than the usual metal band). The visual doesn't really match the aural and the 'darker' elements of their albums seemed tacked on and indiscriminate. Like most of the cinema of David Lynch, it reaches for something and doesn't quite get it but if you're into weird then you're going to think you've seen a success when you've actually seen a failure. Weird failure may be more interesting than ordinary success but it invariably leaves me cold. All that aside, here's one of Tool's tunes that works for me (though the video is still firmly planted in the Svankmajer-derived grosteque pointlessness).

Tool -- 'Stinkfist'

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