Friday, March 23, 2007

Kinda desperate but still kinda cute

I love Bongwater. I had a total crush on Ann Magnuson when I was kid and I was never a guy that really had crushes on actresses or singers. They only existed to me as plastic images but not Ann. She was something special. Now I'm older and I have more respect for her music than I even did back in the day but I've grown prudish enough to think she wears too much make-up. (Ann, it makes you look cheap--and I know you're not cheap!) In a way that's what this song is about: the disillusionment that comes when the people you watch on TV go through major changes in their lives that you know will come to you some day. I know I was never the same after Greg Brady moved into the attic.

Bongwater -- 'Psychedelic Sewing Room'

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