Wednesday, May 30, 2007

They'll tell you you're out of style

When I was in high school I bussed tables at a restaurant where the chef/owner would plow down red wine and listen to Patsy Cline every night as soon as the place closed. Man, I hated Patsy Cline, I hated 'Walkin' After Midnight' and all those songs that I had to hear again and again. Then one day the tape died and we moved on to Edith Piaf or something and I missed Patsy. Since then I've had a soft spot for Patsy, her songs come from an age where music uplifted people rather than just signaling to them which clothes they should buy. There's truth in her voice that you just don't get from pop singers--or any public figures really--any more.

Patsy Cline -- 'I've Loved and Lost Again'

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