Monday, April 23, 2007

Is there anyone that knows? Is there anyone that cares?

Bob Dylan in his youth was a totally captivating performer and here's a rare clip from the early days. The times were soon to be a-changin' and Dylan morphed from folk dude into cool-ass rock star. He jumped from being a mega fish in a minuscule pond to become another legend in the murky waters of corporate celebrity nonsense. Oh well. He still puts out good records, actually, and over the years his stuff was generally better than average. Was it worth it? Have the last 40 years been something akin to the last half hour of Last Temptation of Christ? (Hard to imagine Harvey Keitel as a scornful Pete 'Judas' Seeger but give it a try)

Bob Dylan -- 'The Ballad of Hollis Brown'

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