Thursday, April 26, 2007

In comes life that I must feel

I've long thought that your typical string quartet is a bit of a waste of time. The instruments are fantastic and what can be done with them is clearly magical. But the compositions for string quartets are usually dark and muddled, they're largely dour, uninteresting affairs. These big string intruments are built for speed, I've always thought. Thank goodness Apocalyptica came along and proved me right! (Here they've trimmed back to a trio with the 4th playing conventional rock drums)

Apocalyptica -- Grieg's 'Hall of the Mountain King'

I tried to introduce an acquiantance of mine recently to Apocalyptica's unique interpretations of Metallica and he said that he loved the fact these guys were putting crazy distortion effects on a cello. No, I said, there aren't any effects on there, that's what a fucking cello sound like! I don't think he believed me. Too bad for him because even after being introduced to it he still doesn't get it. This is what a cello sounds like! (Incidentally, for my money, this isn't one of their finer performances, but have no fear, mediocre Apocalyptica goes a long way)

Apocalyptica -- 'One'

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