Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I wanna lay down the law

I was looking for some Moms Mabley footage and ran across this nugget from the wide open '60s. Pigmeat Markham is best known as an old school stand-up comic not dissimilar to Redd Foxx and a regular partner of Moms. But in the '60s he made a series of novelty records that garnered some acclaim, this being the first and most popular. This became a catch phrase of the day sweeping the country not unlike old favorites like 'Where's the beef?' and 'Talk to the hand!' Here's Pigmeat's biggest hit set to a video that is both homemade and minimalist, but I dig it. An interesting tune, a pre-cursor to hip-hop and Judge Dredd.

Pigmeat Markham -- 'Here Comes the Judge'

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