Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Kinda young, kinda wow

Here's a clip of three of the giants of '80s jazz rocking out. Chick Corea is a bit of a puzzle: he's had some killer highs from the wide open fusion '70s to some itch-inducing lows of the smooth jazz '80s (I still blame National Public Radio for euthanizing jazz circa 1982). He was always a player but he wasn't always playing, you feel me? John Pattituci was a fine bass man back in the day, cut his teeth with Corea before putting out a string of interesting albums which is tough for a jazz bassist (not named Mingus) to pull off. Vinnie C is the star of this clip, which is really just a series of Vinnie's rapid-fire asides. You know Vinnie's a badass, he's even named in one of Zappa's finest singles.

Chick Corea, Vinnie Colaiutta, John Pattituci Live in Japan, 1986

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