Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The magic of editing

This is as an impressive display of audio and visual montage as the internet as yet produced I'd say. (Though the photoshop-ed celebrity porn clips and 9/11 conspiracy vids are always enjoyable) I love the fact that he ends each of these clips with a proviso that he doesn't actually know anything about music--you have to doubt that but I'll take him at his word. I understand what he's saying: clearly some compositional capability is required but it needn't be grounded in serious schooling. It reminds me of an old Kids in the Hall sketch where the guy keeps saying he doesn't speak English because though he can expertly crank out a handful of phrases in English--that always seem to dovetail perfectly to the conversation he's having--he doesn't actually understand what he's saying. If that's what Gjertsen's doing, I can dig it. (Hat tip: signalstation)

Lasse Gjertsen -- 'Hyperactive'
Lasse Gjertsen -- 'Amateur'

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