Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bret Weinstein w/ Joe Rogan on The Problem with America’s Lab Mice and Why it Should Matter to You

An observation about both Bret Weinstein and his brother Eric: they're smart guys but their collective persecution complex makes them kinda hard to take, as if the world is supposed to simply acknowledge their brilliance at all times and get to genuflectin'. I understand their basic complaints about the crushing conformity of the intelligentsia and the elites in general--and I suspect they're right--but the way they run screaming from any critique at all is more than a little off-putting.

That said, Bret's observation here that the lack of variation in the mice used in lab experiments might basically nullify all the experimentation of the last several decades (at least in the USA) is, uh, kinda eye-opening and probably worth of deeper investigation. Thank god Joe Rogan is there to save us. (ha!)

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