Thursday, January 21, 2010

A few thoughts on what my friends referred to as 'The worst song of 2009'

I don't keep this blog to point out the awful things of the world, I prefer to focus on the things I like. Irony and kitsch have their time and place but I'm not that interested in that stuff.

But when something this monumentally bad comes along, I can't help but hold it up for viewing. You should watch this video just to see how bad a song can be. And I must say: you've got to watch the WHOLE thing, it builds like a geyser of mediocrity and you don't want to miss any of it. (Commentary below)

Attack Attack -- 'Stick Stickly'

This is a careening mess of musical styles. Normally I might admire this cross-cultural melange except that this is all terrible.

Deadeningly dull dugga-dugga riffs become cheesy Euro-dance music then transmogrify into utterly pointless sonic noise followed by a weak metal ballad topped off with a dollop of pseudo-rock star sensitivity and all delivered with a boy band mentality. Here's where I disagree with my aforementioned friends: this is actually the SIX worst songs of 2009! Oh! And did I mention that this is ostensibly a Christian rock song? Make that the SEVEN worst songs of 2009. If you enjoy crap, then you're welcome.

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