Monday, October 8, 2007

Open the pod bay doors, Hal

Its Columbus Day, which to the cultured American mind means 'no mail today'. But in the sense of exploration I wanted to go with something visually and aurally challenging. I looked up 2001: A Space Oddysey in You Tube hoping to find some classical clips, you know Schubert or something. Instead there was a ton of other clips from the film, a bunch of mash-ups (the Goodfellas/2001 was pretty funny as was the Goodfellas/Brokeback Mountain), and a bunch of other music set to the same visuals. Okay, no Schubert today, but Orbital works for me. (2001 is a kooky picture: the 2 times I've seen it on the big screen, I thought it was as engrossing and exciting as any film I've ever seen; the 2 times I've tried to watch it on my TV, I thought it was turgid and dull. I'm hard-pressed to think of any other film of which I've felt so sharply divided on venue)

Orbital -- 'Transient' (set to scenes from 2001: A Space Oddysey)

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