Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

'Beat the Devil'

Forgot all about this thing.

American Dad -- Laura Vanderboobin

"You looking for something glazed and bad for ya?"

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Collection of Political Comedy (circa 1988)

Getting all political tonight.  Sorta. 

Gen. Wesley Clark from Democracy Now!

Clark tells Amy Goodman about a conversation he had (on/around) September 20, 2001.  Out of order but Bush/Obama have checked most of them off.

1989-90 Detroit Pistons

Stuck in Folsom Prison

Jeff Ross

Jim Henson

Kim Deal talks about singing and not singing and the fans

Pretty funny once she finally gets herself wound up.  


Martin Scorsese

I recognize three of 'em

'Madman or Genius?'

Here's a collection of Salvador Dali paintings, pictures and quotes over some lovely inoffensive guitar music.  There's no reason for this to exist, save that the internet demands it. 

Nicholson Baker